Systemicon Leichtbauschornstein
Temperature up to 400°
Discount group SC


Affordable Fire Protection Duct

The LUX-ECO fire protection duct is an affordable wall, ceiling, and roof duct for single-wall and double-wall flue gas systems and connectors.


Product Description


  • Approved for the passage of single-wall and double-wall flue gas systems and connectors
  • Max. flue gas temperature of the connected appliance: 400°C (T400)
  • Significant reduction of lateral spacing for flue pipe ducts compared to fire protection regulations (FeuVo)
  • Particularly practical for slanted roof penetrations and installation in external insulation on buildings


  • Only 125 mm distance from the inner pipe to combustible materials
  • Max. length when used as a wall duct ≤ 360 mm (see approval)
  • Max. length when used as a ceiling or roof duct ≤ 500 mm
  • Wall, ceiling, and roof ducts can be shortened to the desired length
  • Please refer to the details in the approval


Technical Data



(for walls up to a maximum of 360 mm, for ceilings and roofs up to a maximum of 500 mm)



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Anke Müller-Rohrbacher
Martina Losert
Cornelia Dietzsch

Tel.    +49 9832 68 68 - 50
Fax:   +49 9832 68 68 - 68

Hinweis für Privatpersonen:
Da Jeremias nicht direkt an Endkunden vertreibt,
erfolgt keine Beratung. Bitte wenden Sie sich
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Vertriebsleitung Elementschornsteine

Alexander Wening

Tel.: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 50
Fax: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 68


Vertriebsleitung Industrieabgasanlagen

Peter Veit

Tel.: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 50
Fax: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 8686