Laundry chute

The direct path to the washing machine

A laundry chute made of stainless steel offers many advantages, as it makes dirty laundry disappear in no time and transports it directly to where it belongs: the washing machine. Ideally, a laundry chute is planned during the design phase of the building. However, in existing buildings, unused chimney flues can be converted into a laundry chute, for example.

Whether it’s a freestanding design insertion terminal, an insertion door integrated into the wall, with or without an insertion door in an intermediate floor, a discharge pipe with a closure cap, or a flanged end pipe: Depending on the building structure and personal preferences, various solutions are available. A special highlight of our laundry chute program is the discharge pipe with a closure cap. Once precisely adjusted, a screwable counterweight ensures that the cap opens reliably even with minimal laundry weight and closes automatically after the laundry has been discharged.

Product Description


  • Thoughtful plug-in system for easy installation
  • Made in Germany
  • 25-year warranty
  • Corrosion-resistant stainless steel 1.4301 (304) with high gloss finish
  • Visible elements also available in brushed finish upon request
  • No static charge (compared to plastic systems)
  • Plug direction prevents sharp-edged transitions in the pipe where laundry could get caught or damaged
  • Optional automatic closing flap or flanged discharge pipes available
  • Available in three diameters (250, 285, and 300mm)
  • Insertion doors with silent closing mechanism
  • Child safety with lockable insertion doors: WA1936, 1937, 1950, and 1951
  • Design insertion terminals as an optical highlight


  • Easy implementation in new buildings
  • Usable in existing buildings as well, e.g., in unused chimney flues
  • Suitable for single-family homes as well as commercial use (hospitals, hotels, care facilities, etc.)
  • Fire protection requirements must be clarified on-site



  • Easy and convenient handling
  • No more musty dirty laundry in bathrooms, rooms, and stairways
  • Never carry full laundry baskets through the house again
  • Laundry goes directly into the laundry basket near the washing machine
  • Protection against drafts, no heat loss in the rooms


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Tel.: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 50
Fax: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 68


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Tel.: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 50
Fax: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 8686