Icon Küchenabluft
  1. Areas of Application
  2. Industrial kitchens

Industrial kitchens / Restaurants

A powerful kitchen exhaust system is essential in both commercial industrial kitchens and restaurants.

The main task of a range hood and the connected exhaust/ventilation system is to remove the mixture of (water) vapors, fats, solids, and odors from the kitchen and expel it outside. This mixture is also referred to as "vapor" or "steam." A fan, typically built into the range hood, draws the steam in and expels it through special exhaust pipes. The suction of contaminated, moist, and greasy air creates a negative pressure in the kitchen, which is why proper room ventilation is necessary.

Grease buildup in the exhaust system, range hood, or existing filters is highly flammable and poses a serious fire risk. Therefore, kitchen exhaust systems are not only subject to approval and inspection but must also be regularly cleaned by professional companies.

The use of chemical detergents and the overpressure generated by the fan require the exhaust system to be pressure-resistant, limiting the selection of suitable systems. For large kitchens and restaurants, we recommend the use of our all-rounder DW-KL. This insulated high-temperature exhaust system has a permanently pressure-tight connection between the stainless steel pipes through a conical plug-in system without seals made of silicone or EPDM, which could be damaged by the hot exhaust air.


Suitable exhaust systems


Konisch dichtender Edelstahlschornstein

  • Konische Verbindungstechnik
  • Keine separate Dichtung nötig
  • Innenrohrmaterial 1.4404 (316L) / 1.4571 (316Ti)
  • Rußbrandbeständig oder feuchteunempfindlich
  • Geeignet für hohe Temperaturen & Hochdruck
  • Vielfältige Einsatzbereiche
  • Zahlreiche Oberflächenoptionen


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Anke Müller-Rohrbacher
Martina Losert
Cornelia Dietzsch

Tel.    +49 9832 68 68 - 50
Fax:   +49 9832 68 68 - 68

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erfolgt keine Beratung. Bitte wenden Sie sich
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Vertriebsleitung Elementschornsteine

Alexander Wening

Tel.: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 50
Fax: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 68


Vertriebsleitung Industrieabgasanlagen

Peter Veit

Tel.: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 50
Fax: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 8686