Systemicons Schornsteinzubehör
Systemicons Schornsteinzubehör

Chimney cover plate

Effective Protection of the Chimney Flue

A chimney cover plate made of stainless steel, also known as a chimney crown cap, permanently protects the chimney flue from rain, penetrating moisture, and wind drafts. It is available in many sizes and variations and can be optimally adapted to the chimney dimensions and the installed interior pipes. The chimney cover can optionally be ordered with a round, square, or no cut-out. Optimal protection and improved draft performance are provided by combining it with chimney caps. The combination of the chimney cover plate and the chimney cap ensures adequate protection and forms an elegant chimney finish.

Ordering Note:
Please specify either the finished size or the chimney size when placing your order (we will then add a 15mm overhang on all sides, along with a 25mm chimney casing).

Chimney size: 500 x 500 mm
Finished size of cover plate: 530 x 530 mm
In combination with a chimney casing, finished size: 550 x 550 mm


Advantages of the Chimney Cover Plate

  • Perfect long-term protection against rain, moisture, and dampness
  • Elegant chimney finish
  • Optionally combinable with a chimney cap for additional protection
  • Customizable to fit any chimney size
  • Also available with a precise cut-out and sleeve for various interior pipe systems
  • Suitable for single and multi-flue chimneys
  • Quick and easy installation


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Anke Müller-Rohrbacher
Martina Losert
Cornelia Dietzsch

Tel.    +49 9832 68 68 - 50
Fax:   +49 9832 68 68 - 68

Hinweis für Privatpersonen:
Da Jeremias nicht direkt an Endkunden vertreibt,
erfolgt keine Beratung. Bitte wenden Sie sich
an einen unserer Schornstein-Partner in Ihrer Nähe.

Vertriebsleitung Elementschornsteine

Alexander Wening

Tel.: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 50
Fax: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 68


Vertriebsleitung Industrieabgasanlagen

Peter Veit

Tel.: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 50
Fax: +49 9832 / 68 68 - 8686